Intego Clinical’s unmatched statistical programming solutions help clients reach their clinical goals faster. Our unique academic partnership and world class professional development program ensures our statistical programmers are equipped to handle complex projects in a creative, efficient manner. We provide end-to-end comprehensive services from Phase I to post-marketing in all major therapeutic areas, and comply with all global regulatory standards.
With over 10 years of experience serving clients, Intego Clinical is the leading provider of statistical programming resources in Ukraine, Poland, Costa Rica, and Central Florida. As a result of the unique partnership between Intego Clinical and local universities in Clinical SAS Programming, Intego has one of the most highly educated statistical programming teams in the world. With 85% of our team having over five years of experience, and with an employee turnover rate of only 4%, we provide long-term solutions for your clinical programming needs from our delivery centers strategically located in in Ukraine, Poland, Costa Rica, and Central Florida.
With many years’ experience providing statistical programming services to clients, Intego Clinical trains its workforce in-house as part of every on-boarding process, so the impact on clients at the start of a new project will be minimal and seamless.
Intego Clinical provides end to end comprehensive services from Phase I through post-marketing. Our statistical programmers have expertise across all major therapeutic indications including ophthalmology, oncology, neurology, virology, and many others. We provide flexible and smart solutions to help clients achieve goals faster:
Founded in 2013, the Center for Biostatical Programming is a unique collaboration between Intego Group and Karazin National University, one of the top universities in Ukraine for science and mathematics, to train Ukraine’s next generation of statistical programmers. Recognizing that Ukraine needs to develop a pipeline of new clinical programming talent, Masters students who enroll in this course are taught by experts from the university and Intego Clinical on the best-in-class software solutions to prepare them for biostatistical programming careers
Programmers at Intego are distributed between multiple offices strategically located in Eastern Europe, Central America and the US, allowing us to serve clients worldwide.
Eastern Europe and Central America remain an attractive low-cost business destination. We offer affordable but responsive outsourcing solutions to our US and European clients.
Over 65% of our programmers graduated with a Master’s degree in Math and Statistics. Of these programmers, 85% have over 5 years experience.
Our business model targets FSP solutions as well as unit-based services, providing flexibility of engagement for a diverse portfolio of clients.